Brand Name : OBTIMAC 10 TAB
Composition : Obeticholic Acid 10mg
Packing : 10*1*10
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Obeticholic acid is used to cure primary biliary cirrhosis, which is also known as primary biliary cholangitis. It is an autoimmune disease that is occurred to damage to the liver's bile ducts. Biliary cirrhosis is a build-up of bile in the liver, leading to liver damage. Obeticholic acid extracts ‘Obeticholic acid’, which helps improve liver function by decreasing the formation and build-up of bile in the liver, increases the removal of bile from the liver, and reduces swelling, and also helps in treating primary biliary cirrhosis.s
Obeticholic acid is related to a category of medicines called farnesoid X-receptor agonists, which are used to cure primary biliary cirrhosis/primary biliary cholangitis. Obeticholic acid helps improve the functions of the liver by reducing the formation and build-up of bile in the liver, reducing swelling, and also helping to cure primary biliary cirrhosis.
Keep this medicine away from the children and pets. Place this medicine in a cool and dry place never expose this medicine to sunlight
Take this medicine when your healthcare professional prescribes it to you. If you have any allergic problems from any of those drugs so ask your doctor otherwise, you will suffer from many diseases. If you suffer from any problem like kidney, diabetes, heart, or any other problem tell your healthcare professional. The dose of this medicine will depend on your current health condition. Keep this medicine away from the children this medicine creates a bad impact on the children’s health. If you are suffering from any side effects after taking this medicine ask your healthcare professional. Don’t quit the medicine before completing the treatment.
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